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List restaurants in a Crous

// If you already have a Crous instance, you can do :
const restaurants = await crous.getRestaurants();
// Otherwise you can use an identifier manually :
import { getRestaurants } from "crowous";
const restaurants = await getRestaurants("limoges"); // Where "limoges" is an identifier.

Now that you have the list of restaurants, you can get specific properties of each restaurant.

const firstRestaurant = restaurants[0];
console.log(`The first restaurant is ${firstRestaurant.title} and is located at ${firstRestaurant.address} (${firstRestaurant.area}).`);
console.log(firstRestaurant.description); // or firstRestaurant.shortDescription
console.log(firstRestaurant.latitude, firstRestaurant.longitude);
console.log("Has wifi?", firstRestaurant.wifi ? "yes" : "no");
console.log("Has accessibility?", firstRestaurant.accessibility ? "yes" : "no");
// Some manually written properties (can't be predictable)
// Contact information
if ( console.log(;
// Payment methods (from enumeration PaymentMethod ; example: PaymentMethod.IZLY)
firstRestaurant.paymentMethods.forEach(method => console.log(method));

You can also check if a restaurant is open at a specific moment.

const firstRestaurant = restaurants[0];
const dayIndex = 0; // 0 is Monday, 1 is Tuesday, ..., 6 is Sunday
console.log("morning:", firstRestaurant.isOpenMorning(dayIndex) ? "open" : "closed");
console.log("midday: ", firstRestaurant.isOpenMidday(dayIndex) ? "open" : "closed");
console.log("evening:", firstRestaurant.isOpenEvening(dayIndex) ? "open" : "closed");

You can also get the menu of a restaurant. Refer to this guide for more information.